Sometimes we just need to shine the LIGHT on something else.
Today is the day and each Wednesday from this week on, I will be showing you some new projects on what you can do with Shelly’s Buttons, Miniatures, and Embellishments.

Every project from this week forward will include a pattern, photos of each step so you too, will be able to create what I have shown you here? There is nothing more frustrating than seeing something so cute, so inspiring, and your results are far from that. Well, I hear you, I have been in the same boat. So I will not hold back, I will shed the LIGHT on all the steps, tricks, tidbits that will have you wanting more. And more I can deliver.
So here is what you will soon be creating- I have made a few- NITE LIGHTS that will be a sweet addition to every room in your home and bonus, it may very well reduce your hydro bills.
As you can see, I tried to create something for the kitchen, a boys room, a girl’s room, and even one for your powder room. The only thing that will be limited is your imagination.
COST for Patterns
The pattern will show you every little notion you will need. Cost for these Patterns will be only $3.00 US if you order some buttons and or miniatures and embellishments that total $20.00 before shipping charges.
If you only want the pattern the cost will be $11.00 US. (it will be a download PDF file)
ALSO, at the end of the month, all the samples I have created will be shipped back to Shelly and she will sell them to anyone interested and all those PROCEEDS will go towards a LOCAL FOOD BANK.
We are all about giving back, so many of us can make a difference in such a small way. So to shining the LIGHT on you and everyone close to you.
Drop us a line, on what would you like to see in the future, I have a few dozen projects already in mind, but if there is something you would love to know how to make, (small projects) I may be able to show you how to make one.
Keep shining your light, till we meet next week for another new BUTTONS Project.
YOU so matter.

Mdm Samm
p.s hint for next week.
You will be able to find all of our patterns listed here on instagram and pinterest too.