My source of inspiration comes from my roots. I lived with Nuns who had to always think outside of a box, they had to use what they had available. There was no internet, no one-stop shops handy, so they made everything. Funny thing they were teaching us all to be creative in a subtle way. My whole life is a reflection of that, when I cannot find anything, my mind sees it, ( actually sees it all in technicolor) I then sit down with my roll of freezer paper. I purchase 200 foot roll every few years. I use this as my pattern paper, great for paper piecing and have been known to wrap gifts, ship packages with it too. And I design.
As much as I never gave credit for my creativity to my past, I see now that it has been the basis of all of my successes. You tend to be a problem solver. Not that DISH DRESSES are a solution to anyone’s problem, but by golly they look so lovely in your kitchen. As I tend to lean to the “girly-lady side” of everything, I thought of the sweet dresses with peter pan collars my Grand Mere used to make me as a child. Hence a Dish Dress looks very much like the dresses of an era gone by. ( I share that story in the pattern)
This pattern is FREE, I wanted you to see how I constructively create patterns with numerous photos and text, so you can produce exactly the same results, along with some buttons and embellishments for added dimension. We want you to open up shops, sell your products from patterns we design just for YOU. As long as you give us credit, link to Shellysbuttonsandmore, you can sell creative projects and wait till the next best thing that comes out of my head. DEAL? What we don’t want to see is you sharing our patterns, we make them affordable so please adhere to copyright laws. And sometimes they are even available for FREE ( limited time offer) like todays.
Back to Dish Dresses, using one tea-towel, dish towel, cut in half you can create a Dish Dress with some added fabric and buttons and voila you are a Dish Dress designer as each one will be reflective of your creativity and imagination, think of me as a match to the fuel that is already inside you.
I added buttons on the bodice, so you will still be able to use them, but trust me recipients in the past of these, just put them on their stove handles and tell everyone ” just LOOK” Kim, comes to mind for that one. wink. I have made so many of these for gifts but for Christmas orders too -which again, I could go into production with many of my designs, I just prefer to come up with new ideas and patterns have you prosper.
This pattern has 29 photos (colored) plus the pattern pieces 12 pages in all, and some great tidbits on how to trace using no ink. How many of you have purchased patterns for the COVER and the pattern was full of words that just did not make any
sense whatsover.. Now I take pride that I have moderate intellect and can figure out almost anything, wellllllllll when it came to other designers patterns, that was not the case. There was but one designer who has it together and she created the Quilt Diva, Amy Bradley, she truly is one designer I never mind purchasing from. So if I can be a number #2 designer, I would be happy trailing behind this lady who puts new meaning into humor and pattern designs. I ended selling this completed DIVA design which was huge, the size of a large baby quilt to a wonderful lady in Alabama and the proceeds went to purchase 1 luxury sewing machine for a lady in need. What a circle of influence.
So there you have it, this pattern is FREE and at the end of the month like all of last months creations are on their way to Shelly, and we will be selling all of the samples I make so the proceeds will go to local food banks, Stay tuned when we will add a link for you to see what is available.
I made 3 patterns for this Dish Dress which is also included in this pattern. All of our patterns are only $3.00 each with a $20.00 purchase of buttons or $11.00 with no purchase. BUT TODAY THIS ONE IS FREEEEEEE !
Next week as many of you will be celebrating the 4th of JULY, I will be doing a post of all my FAVOURITE NOTIONS, photos and links to all the staples that help in my designs, sewing, crafting, cutting and the likes. The following wink, the hint is, “Call me sometime”.
I look forward to meeting up with you all again, because…..
You Matter
Mdm Samm

Attention..…for all those wanting this Free Dish Dress, the pattern just leave a message below or write me in the subject line. DISH DRESS
at and I will send it to you directly. We are having some internet issues at the moment.
You will be able to find all of our patterns listed here on Instagram and Pinterest too.